Thursday, February 23, 2012


I feel alone and very scared.
Numb, and in pain.
Tingly and sick.

He loves me, I know.
Now my wheels are turning and I don't know what to do. I think this is just my period talking or even my uncontrollable emotions but i'm breaking down again.
I need that person to hold. I miss him.

I'd go anywhere to see him. I'd go to the face of this earth to visit him, have him hold me. To have him feel that he's not alone nor that he doesn't have anyone to turn to. I need him to hold me, to tell me everything's going to be alright. I need him to understand that right now, this week, I can't control my emotions. I can't control who I am inside. I'm  confused, I have a lot..or more likely too much on my mind. I just want to sleep, and just cry. I'm an emotional wreck who needs the attention you're not giving me. Or maybe you are. I'm just to fogged up to see this.

Your mom grounded us, I understand. A week i'll wait until we're never apart again.
You're on my mind 24/7. I'm helping you with homework, I'm doing everything in my power to make you successful more than you already are...
I just feel like this is too much.
Then everything else. I can't control it.
I can't.
I won't.
I need too.
I should.

I love you.