Lately I've been sucked into this world, where I don't even know who I am anymore because I feel like my life is constantly on repeat. Wake up, take care of children, naps, clean, laundry, take care of children, cook dinner, clean, bed and repeat. I'm not sure I enjoy it anymore, I can't even seem to realize that I'm in pain or hurting or even depressed.
I'm just this robot.
When will it end? I'm trying. I am.
Up 3/4 of the night with anxiety, not depression, anxiety. What could I be doing? I should've cleaned the living room, I should've cleaned the dishes, I should've cleaned this or that. I can't think, it's overwhelming.
"The heart wants what it wants."Fairytale, no happy ending. No wind in our sails.
But I can't imagine a life without, breathless moments breaking me down.
Why can't I think...
Why can't I just cry...
Why can't I just be me...
I seem to constantly fighting myself, with failures and anxiety with helplessness. Not depression, because I'm not physically, emotionally, mentally sad. I'm stuck. I'm stuck in a world of constant repeat, that needs a different pattern.
God please let that pattern be soon... I need a kick in the ass.