Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dear Working Fathers of Stay at home Moms

Dearest Dads,
I appreciate the fact you're providing for our well being and the over amounts of diapers needed in a month, but seriously consider the amount of respect us mommies need.
First, let me just explain how much I truly appreciate you providing for this family. I do, I really do appreciate it but do you not appreciate the fact that I stay to watch the kids? I get that you're tired and you just finished working a 12 hour shift, handling with rude customers and smarty remarks from co-workers. Truly, I get it. Ive done been in customer service jobs, I understand the pain. I just dont think you could put up with what I do in a day, really, because on your days off... you seem to prove that you can't.
Being a stay at home mom you go through a cycle of emotions. I am currently a stay at home of 2 toddlers and a newborn, talk about hard work. I go through mornings like a breeze and wish it was just as easy for the rest of the day past nap time. Heres just a snippet of my day:
-Wake up. Change and feed the newborn.
-Get newborns bassinet downstairs
-Shut all upstairs doors and put up gates
-Get twins out of bed and changed
-Figure breakfast out
-Feed twins
-Burp and calm down crying infant
-Put down (hopefully) calm infant
-Take twins out of walker/high chair and put in living room
-Turn on annoying Sofia the First cartoons, or whatever is playing on Disney Junior
-Get twins out of vaccum, books and extension cords or even the infants bouncer
-Attend to fussy infant
-Attempt to get twins out of stuff, again, but this time carrying infant
-Eat breakfast while sharing with twins, because its like their starving 10 minutes after breakfast
By now its hopefully noon.
-Run down start a load of laundry in washer
-Prevent biting, pushing or hiting that has commenced.
-Grab bottles out of cribs and clean them out
-Make lunch and feed twins
-Nap time hopefully by 145-2 pm.

If you can handle this chaos like a mommy can, then all power to you. Need I remind you, I did NOT mention the probably 3-4 poopy diapers Ill be changing prior to nap time. PER TWIN. Honestly, handling with the cries, screaming, biting, constant trouble, and infant care I could totally pull my hair out. Convinced I dont want to be bald, I dont. Id rather put up with a 12 hour shift, rude ass customers and just in general customer service jobs, such as waitressing, then stay at home some days. Id like to sleep in, Id like to nap whenever and just relax but a mommys duty is NEVER done. Ever. Not even for 5 minutes.
In all honesty, I think I only pee 3x a day with numerous drinks I have during the day. Oh boy.

So dearest dads who provide, cut us moms a slack. Please. We both need a break, but I think mommies deserve one for just 1 hour at least...a day.

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