Sunday, April 8, 2012

Well Done

  I hate people who always tell me that they hate what I do, or who I'm with, or how I do things with someone. 
Complain, Criticize. 
That's all I get. 
You're not my family, 
You're not who I used to know, 
You know why you claim that you don't know me anymore? Yeah, well maybe it's because I'm happy. Maybe it's because I finally found someone in my life that I like to spend time with, someone who makes me laugh, someone who I am having a family with. You don't understand how he makes me feel, 
You're a dick, a bitch, and a mother fuckin' complainer. 
Don't judge someone you haven't even taken the time to get to know, 
YOU allowed him on this trip
You let him come meet the family.
I just asked you, that's it. I honestly would've rather have gone with his family if I knew you were going to be a dick about every fuckin' move we make!
You're just a self consed-id asshole. You have no heart.
Not even for your wife, who isn't fair about fuckin' anything. 
My friend has lived with me for a little over two months now and she should have the same rights I do. Not give her more freedom then you're own fuckin' daughter. That's not fuckin' fair. Specially since I actually do shit. I actually put gas in the car, I want to wash your windows, I actually care. I don't sit in my room take an hour to get ready, I don't sit at my computer all night, I clean up after myself. I care about my well being. 
Do you even remember what it's like to be in love, dad?
Do you?
Do you remember how it feels kissing the women you love and realizing you have the world?
Do you remember when you held hands and skipped around?
Do you remember being little kids with your wife?
Do you remember what it's like to love a child?
Do you even realize I am your child?
Do you even love me?
To every single question.
There's nothing else to say to you.
This is why I don't tell you things.
This is why I never want to spend time with you.
This is why I hate you.
You're nothing but an asshole who doesn't know how to love a child.
You both don't.
If you did, maybe you'd understand that if you let someone move in..
same rights go for me as they do them.
What if...
I came home high.
What if...
I smoked everyday.
sold drugs,
never was home.
ran away.
got in trouble.
let my grades slip.
what if I wasn't this great of a daughter?
what if I didn't try so hard?

I finally have someone really proud of me and you're just going to bitch about how I'm doing well enough.
I finally have someone who believes in me.
Someone who actually LOVES me.
Not yells at me
Not treats me like an asshole when I get back from a hella good trip.
Someone who cares.
Obviously not you.

I'm fuckin' done with this family.

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