Thursday, March 7, 2019

7 Years

"Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever. But most of all, thank you for showing me that there will come a time when I can eventually let you go." -Nicholas Sparks

Austin Tylor Schreiber (3/13/95 - 2/16/19)

You were everything my soul needed, I may not have realized how much I care and love you until you're gone but I know for a fact I did love you. I did care. Just not as much as I thought I did, you sparked joy in life that I needed. I felt so comfortable because you were my Bestfriend, my world and everything joyful my life contained. I can't even fathom the fact that you won't be here to cherish the moments we still needed to cherish. 

Our boys ALL attending school, the bittersweet moment I'll have sending our final child to school and probably crying more about the fact that you'll miss it.. not the fact that it's our youngest son. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to call or text you about the dumbest things that I have go on at work, or the dumbest things I've said/done in the past week. 
You're going to miss the moment I buy our first house or even the moment I kick debt, you know how important it was to me. Who am I suppose to rant to when one of our children brings home a girl, oh man, or even the birds and the bees conversation. Who am I supposed to freak out too when they have come home to tell me that they KISSED a girl, even though I told them girls have cooties! I know you're in a better place now and I hope that you're happy, but please know I will be okay eventually just now right now.
Even though you're gone now, doesn't mean I can't miss you and everything you were. You are my Bestfriend, high school sweetheart, fiancĂ© and the father of our beautiful boys. Your smile was perfect, your hair (when long) was perfect to play with. You even loved it. Your beard was full to it's current ability with patches of missing hair, your frustration was what made the cherry on top. You just wanted a full and nice beard. Your broken finger tips when you tried to lie your hand flat, you had perfect eyebrow even. You had these amazing hazel eyes, that in the summer they turned more green than anything else, you were so determined to prove to your mom that. You had scars from your job, that you were so proud of because you LOVED your job. You worked so hard for our family, so hard.

Most of all, I'm going to miss feeling you and feeling your warmth. I feel like I've done let you down because I couldn't help you with your inner demons, you fought so silently but yet not so secretly. I keep fighting the "what if" game as if that's going to bring you back. You made our family feel safe and happy, you thought of us first before you. I loved you so much, I so still do but my love for him doesn't compare to the love he had in our family and our relationship. I'll never live down his sports addictions, even if I don't watch half the stuff he enjoyed or even let alone understand it. I'll never let our boys forget about it, because you are not one to forget. I couldn't have asked for a more better of a soul mate than I could with you. 
So with that I am resting you down to watch over our family, to make sure we are safe. Our boys will always love you and cherish you as their father, please my love, make sure we are happy. 
I love you so much, my love. 
Always & Forever
Forever & Always

Andrea <3

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